ACTIVITY: Angular Basic Routing


Create a simple Angular project with basic routing and four components: login, signup, homepage, and landing page. The project will showcase the use of Angular routing to navigate between these components.


  1. Repository Setup:

    • Name your GitHub repository AngularBasicRouting.
  2. Create Four Components:

    • Generate the following components using Angular CLI:

      • login

      • signup

      • homepage

      • landing page

    • Implement basic functionality and structure for each component using HTML and TypeScript only (no design or CSS required).

  3. Set Up Routing:

    • Set up Angular routing to navigate between the login, signup, homepage, and landing page components.

    • Use the documentation or refer to the class recording to assist you in setting up routing.

  4. Document on Hashnode:

    • Write a brief article on Hashnode documenting your activity.

    • Include code snippets that explain how you created the components and configured routing.

    • Provide the link to your AngularBasicRouting GitHub repository in the post.

  5. Share on the Portal:

    • Once you’ve completed the Hashnode documentation, share the link to your article on our portal.

Good luck with your Angular routing practice!
