ACTIVITY: Angular Components
Create 50 Angular components, each with different functionality, based on the provided list and your own examples. Ensure all components are well organized and navigable from the main app component.
Create 50 Components:
Implement 40 components from the provided instructions.
Create 10 additional components based on your own unique ideas.
In the
, add a header or navbar that includes links to all 50 components. This will allow users to easily navigate between them.Note: Focus on using only HTML and TypeScript. For now, avoid using any CSS or external designs. The purpose is to practice functionality, not design.
Commit and Push to GitHub:
For each component, create a separate commit with the following format:
Example commit message: #1displayhelloworld
Ensure there are 50 commits in total, each corresponding to a different component.
Push the entire project to a GitHub repository.
Documentation on Hashnode:
Write a short blog post on Hashnode explaining the project and components you built.
Include code snippets where necessary and explain the functionality of the components briefly.
Provide the link to your GitHub repository in the post so that others can access your code.
Share on Portal:
- Once you’ve completed the Hashnode documentation, share the link to your post on our portal.
Important Notes:
This is a practice activity to help you master Angular.
You must not use AI to genrate any of the code. However, you are free to search for solutions on platforms like Google if needed.
Focus on functionality first and do not use CSS or external design tools. Stick to HTML and TypeScript only.
You are allowed to use AI tools only for writing documentation, like the Hashnode blog post.
Good luck, and have fun mastering Angular!
#1 component name: displayhelloworld
Display the text "Hello World" on the screen using a variable from the TypeScript file.
#2 component name: showhellobutton
Create a button, and when the user clicks the button, "Hello World" is displayed on the screen.
#3 component name: displayname
User inputs their name, and when the button is clicked, their name is displayed on the screen.
#4 component name: counter
Create a counter that increases by 1 when the user clicks a button.
#5 component name: simpleform
Create a form with text inputs and a submit button, display the submitted input data.
#6 component name: userage
Input user’s birth year, and when the button is clicked, display their age.
#7 component name: usergreeting
User inputs their name, and when clicked, display a personalized greeting.
#8 component name: calculator
Create a simple calculator with add, subtract, multiply, and divide functionalities.
#9 component name: textlength
Input a string, and when the button is clicked, display the length of the string.
#10 component name: currencyconverter
Input a value in one currency, convert it to another currency on button click (1 dollar = 56 Php).
#11 component name: evenoddchecker
Input a number and check if it is even or odd.
#12 component name: wordreverser
Input a word, and when the button is clicked, display the word reversed.
#13 component name: showdate
Create a button that shows the current date and time when clicked.
#14 component name: showusername
User inputs their username, and on clicking a button, their username is displayed on the screen.
#15 component name: multiplicationtable
Input a number and generate its multiplication table.
#16 component name: simplelogin
Create a simple login form with email and password fields.
#17 component name: fahrenheittocelsius
Convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius when the user inputs a value.
#18 component name: bookmarklist
Allow users to input URLs and display them using anchor tags.
#19 component name: charactercounter
Input a string and count the number of characters in it.
#20 component name: palindromechecker
Input a word and check if it's a palindrome.
#21 component name: temperatureconverter
Convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.
#22 component name: shoppinglist
Create a shopping list where users can add and remove items (use list data structure).
#23 component name: factorialcalculator
Input a number and calculate its factorial when a button is clicked.
#24 component name: todomanager
Create a simple to-do list where users can add and remove tasks (use list data structure).
#25 component name: guessnumbergame
Create a number guessing game where the user inputs guesses.
#26 component name: wordcounter
Input a string and count the number of words in it.
#27 component name: randomnumbergenerator
Generate and display a random number between a specified range when a button is clicked.
#28 component name: multiplicationchecker
Check if a number is a multiple of another number.
#29 component name: uppercaseconverter
Input a string and convert it to uppercase when the button is clicked.
#30 component name: wordshuffler
Input a word and shuffle its letters randomly.
#31 component name: bmisolver
Input height and weight, calculate and display the BMI.
#32 component name: usernamevalidator
Input a username and check its validity based on predefined rules (Create a variable).
#33 component name: interestcalculator
Input principal, rate, and time, and calculate simple interest.
#34 component name: compoundinterestcalculator
Calculate compound interest when principal, rate, time, and frequency are input.
#35 component name: fibonaccigenerator
Generate and display the first N Fibonacci numbers when a button is clicked.
#36 component name: oddsumcalculator
Input a number, and calculate the sum of odd numbers up to that number.
#37 component name: currencyformatter
Input a number and format it as currency when a button is clicked (Dollar, Php, Euro - search euro conversion).
#38 component name: randomquotedisplay
Display a random quote when a button is clicked (use list data structures).
#39 component name: uppercasegreeting
User inputs their name, and when the button is clicked, display the name in uppercase.
#40 component name: divisiblechecker
Input two numbers, and check if the first is divisible by the second.