Linux Basic Commands

Basic Linux Commands You Should Know

If you're new to Linux, using the terminal to manage folders, files, and software might seem hard at first. But with a few basic commands, it becomes easy and powerful.

In this guide, we will show you simple Linux commands to help you create folders, view files, edit documents, and more. These steps are great for beginners or anyone looking to learn how to use Linux in a simple way.

Make a Directory or Folder

  • mkdir myFolder

View directory contents:

  • ls: Lists all files and directories in the current directory.

  • Example: ls /home shows files in the /home directory.

Change directory:

  • cd <directory_path>: Changes to a different directory.

  • Example: cd /home/user/Documents moves you to the Documents directory.

Create a file:

* touch filename: Creates an empty file.

* Example: touch myfile.txt creates an empty file called myfile.txt.

Edit a file:

  • nano filename: Opens a file in the nano text editor.

  • Example: nano myfile.txt lets you edit myfile.txt.

click ctrl + O to save

  • Press Enter to confirm the file name and save.

  • To exit Nano after saving, press Ctrl + X.

Delete a file:

* rm filename: Deletes a file.

* Example: rm myfile.txt deletes myfile.txt.

Install software

(on Ubuntu/Debian-based systems):

* sudo apt install <package_name>: Installs a program.

* Example: sudo apt install git installs Git or sudo yum install git. please refer to this

To check storage usage and available space in Linux, you can use the following command:

* df -h: Displays disk space usage in a human-readable format (GB, MB, etc.).
