MVC (Model-View-Controller) vs MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
MVC (Model-View-Controller)
Model: This is where your data lives. It’s the part of your app that handles things like saving, updating, or loading information.
View: This is what the user sees. It shows the data from the Model on the screen.
Controller: The Controller connects the View and the Model. It listens to user actions (like clicking a button), talks to the Model to get or update data, and tells the View to show the updated information.
You click a button to log in (Controller sees this).
The Controller checks your username and password with the data (Model).
Then, it shows you a success or error message (View).
MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
Model: Same as MVC — stores and manages the data.
View: Also the same — what the user sees.
ViewModel: This is a special middle part that lets the View (UI) and Model talk to each other automatically. It keeps track of everything the View needs, like text in input boxes or button clicks, without needing to update the View manually.
You enter your login info, and it automatically updates (ViewModel handles this).
The ViewModel checks the data (Model) and updates what the user sees (View), without needing extra code to connect them.
This structure makes sure each part has its own job:
Model (handles data)
View (shows info to the user)
Controller/ViewModel (connects things and handles user actions)
It helps keep things clean, organized, and easier to maintain!